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beginOrResumeUploadFromURL(TusUpload, URL) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Begin an upload or alternatively resume it if the upload has already been started before.


createUpload(TusUpload) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Create a new upload using the Creation extension.


disableRemoveFingerprintOnSuccess() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Disable removing fingerprints after a successful upload.
disableResuming() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Disable resuming started uploads.


enableRemoveFingerprintOnSuccess() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Enable removing fingerprints after a successful upload.
enableResuming(TusURLStore) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Enable resuming already started uploads.


FingerprintNotFoundException - Exception in io.tus.java.client
This exception is thrown by TusClient.resumeUpload(TusUpload) if no upload URL has been stored in the TusURLStore.
FingerprintNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception io.tus.java.client.FingerprintNotFoundException
finish() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUploader
Finish the request by closing the HTTP connection and the InputStream.


get(String) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusURLMemoryStore
get(String) - Method in interface io.tus.java.client.TusURLStore
Retrieve an upload's URL for a fingerprint.
getCausingConnection() - Method in exception io.tus.java.client.ProtocolException
getChunkSize() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUploader
Returns the current chunk size set using TusUploader.setChunkSize(int).
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
getDelays() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusExecutor
Get the delays which will be used for waiting before attempting retries.
getEncodedMetadata() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUpload
Encode the metadata into a string according to the specification, so it can be used as the value for the Upload-Metadata header.
getFingerprint() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUpload
getHeaders() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Get the HTTP headers which should be contained in every request and were configured using TusClient.setHeaders(Map).
getInputStream() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUpload
getMetadata() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUpload
getOffset() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUploader
Get the current offset for the upload.
getRequestPayloadSize() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUploader
Get the current maximum payload size for a single request.
getSize() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUpload
getUploadCreationURL() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Get the current upload creation URL
getUploadURL() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUploader


io.tus.java.client - package io.tus.java.client


makeAttempt() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusExecutor
This method must be implemented by the specific caller.
makeAttempts() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusExecutor
This method is basically just calling the TusExecutor.makeAttempt() method which should then retrieve an TusUploader using TusClient.resumeOrCreateUpload(TusUpload) and then invoke TusUploader.uploadChunk() as long as possible without catching ProtocolExceptions or IOExceptions as this is taken over by this class.


prepareConnection(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Set headers used for every HTTP request.
ProtocolException - Exception in io.tus.java.client
This exception is thrown if the server sends a request with an unexpected status code or missing/invalid headers.
ProtocolException(String) - Constructor for exception io.tus.java.client.ProtocolException
ProtocolException(String, HttpURLConnection) - Constructor for exception io.tus.java.client.ProtocolException


remove(String) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusURLMemoryStore
remove(String) - Method in interface io.tus.java.client.TusURLStore
Remove an entry from the store.
removeFingerprintOnSuccessEnabled() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Get the current status if removing fingerprints after a successful upload.
resumeOrCreateUpload(TusUpload) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Try to resume an upload using TusClient.resumeUpload(TusUpload).
resumeUpload(TusUpload) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Try to resume an already started upload.
resumingEnabled() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Get the current status if resuming.
ResumingNotEnabledException - Exception in io.tus.java.client
This exception is thrown when you try to resume an upload using TusClient.resumeUpload(TusUpload) without enabling it first.
ResumingNotEnabledException() - Constructor for exception io.tus.java.client.ResumingNotEnabledException


set(String, URL) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusURLMemoryStore
set(String, URL) - Method in interface io.tus.java.client.TusURLStore
Store a new fingerprint and its upload URL.
setChunkSize(int) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUploader
Sets the used chunk size.
setConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
setDelays(int[]) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusExecutor
Set the delays at which TusExecutor will issue a retry if TusExecutor.makeAttempt() throws an exception.
setFingerprint(String) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUpload
setHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Set headers which will be added to every HTTP requestes made by this TusClient instance.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUpload
Set the source from which will be read if the file will be later uploaded.
setMetadata(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUpload
setRequestPayloadSize(int) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUploader
Set the maximum payload size for a single request counted in bytes.
setSize(long) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUpload
Set the file's size in bytes.
setUploadCreationURL(URL) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Set the URL used for creating new uploads.
shouldRetry() - Method in exception io.tus.java.client.ProtocolException


TUS_VERSION - Static variable in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Version of the tus protocol used by the client.
TusClient - Class in io.tus.java.client
This class is used for creating or resuming uploads.
TusClient() - Constructor for class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Create a new tus client.
TusExecutor - Class in io.tus.java.client
TusExecutor is a wrapper class which you can build around your uploading mechanism and any exception thrown by it will be caught and may result in a retry.
TusExecutor() - Constructor for class io.tus.java.client.TusExecutor
TusUpload - Class in io.tus.java.client
This class contains information about a file which will be uploaded later.
TusUpload() - Constructor for class io.tus.java.client.TusUpload
Create a new TusUpload object.
TusUpload(File) - Constructor for class io.tus.java.client.TusUpload
Create a new TusUpload object using the supplied File object.
TusUploader - Class in io.tus.java.client
This class is used for doing the actual upload of the files.
TusUploader(TusClient, TusUpload, URL, TusInputStream, long) - Constructor for class io.tus.java.client.TusUploader
Begin a new upload request by opening a PATCH request to specified upload URL.
TusURLMemoryStore - Class in io.tus.java.client
This class is used to map an upload's fingerprint with the corresponding upload URL by storing the entries in a HashMap.
TusURLMemoryStore() - Constructor for class io.tus.java.client.TusURLMemoryStore
TusURLStore - Interface in io.tus.java.client
Implementations of this interface are used to map an upload's fingerprint with the corresponding upload URL.


uploadChunk() - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUploader
Upload a part of the file by reading a chunk from the InputStream and writing it to the HTTP request's body.
uploadChunk(int) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusUploader
This method is inefficient and has been replaced by TusUploader.setChunkSize(int) and TusUploader.uploadChunk() and should not be used anymore. The reason is, that this method allocates a new buffer with the supplied chunk size for each time it's called without reusing it. This results in a high number of memory allocations and should be avoided. The new methods do not have this issue.
uploadFinished(TusUpload) - Method in class io.tus.java.client.TusClient
Actions to be performed after a successful upload completion.
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