Table of contents

  1. Starting tusd
  2. Connecting clients
    1. tus-js-client
    2. Uppy
    3. tus-java-client
    4. TUSKit

Starting tusd

Starting the tusd upload server is as simple as invoking a single command. For example:

$ tusd -upload-dir=./data
Using '/Users/marius/workspace/tus/tusd/data' as directory storage.
Using 0.00MB as maximum size.
Supported tus extensions: creation,creation-with-upload,termination,concatenation,creation-defer-length
Using as address to listen.
Using /files/ as the base path.
Using /metrics as the metrics path.
You can now upload files to: http://[::]:8080/files/

The last line from tusd’s output indicates the upload creation URL:

You can now upload files to: http://[::]:8080/files/

This URL can be used by clients to create new uploads. If you want to customize its host, port, or base path, please use the Network configuration options.

The [::] section in the URL indicates that tusd is accepting connections on all network interfaces, including IPv6. If the client and tusd are on running on the same machine, it can be replaced with localhost to form a URL, such as http://localhost:8080/files/.

Uploaded files will be stored by default in the directory specified with the -upload-dir options. It defaults to the data directory in the current working directory. Alternatively, tusd can also store uploads directly on various cloud storage services. Please consult the Storage Backends section for more details.

Connecting clients

Once tusd is running, any tus-compatible client can connect to tusd and upload files. To achieve this, point the client’s endpoint setting to tusd’s upload creation URL.

Below you can find a few examples for common tus client, assuming that tusd is accepting uploads at http://localhost:8080/files/, which is the default upload creation URL.


For tus-js-client, pass the upload creation URL to the tus.Upload constructor in the endpoint option:

const upload = new tus.Upload(file, {
  // Replace this with tusd's upload creation URL
  endpoint: 'http://localhost:8080/files/',

  onError: function (error) {
    console.log('Failed because: ' + error)
  onSuccess: function () {
    console.log('Download %s from %s',, upload.url)



For Uppy, pass the upload creation URL to the Tus plugin in the endpoint option:

new Uppy()
  .use(Dashboard, { inline: true, target: 'body' })
  // Replace this with tusd's upload creation URL
  .use(Tus, { endpoint: 'http://localhost:8080/files/' });


For tus-java-client, pass the upload creation URL to the TusClient#setUploadCreationURL method:

TusClient client = new TusClient();

// Replace this with tusd's upload creation URL
client.setUploadCreationURL(new URL("http://localhost:8080/files/"));

File file = new File("./cute_kitten.png");
final TusUpload upload = new TusUpload(file);


For TUSKit, pass the upload creation URL when instantiating a TUSClient instance:

final class MyClass {
  let tusClient: TUSClient
  init() {
    tusClient = TUSClient(
      // Replace this with tusd's upload creation URL
      server: URL(string: "http://localhost:8080/files/")!,
      sessionIdentifier: "TUS DEMO",
      storageDirectory: URL(string: "TUS")!
    tusClient.delegate = self